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7 Reasons to Love Seattle: Jewel of the Pacific Northwest

When you think of Seattle, the first things that come to your mind: Space Needle, Giant Wheel, and Pike’s Place Market. But the Pacific Northwest's Jewel actually has a ton more of sparkling things that will make you fall in love with the Emerald City. This gorgeous city is like a blissful utopia where everything is unrivaled, classic, and amazing. From views of Mount Rainer from your boat rental on Puget Sound waters to popular Bumbershoot festival, all of the many icons in Seattle are as unique as the city itself. Though there are an infinite number of reasons why Seattle is, one of if not, the best-loved city in the United States, here we have mentioned just 7 of the favorite reasons to love this beautiful city.

1. Seattle ranks best in everything...

Seattle ranks best in everything - Seattle Yacht Charters Daily
• It is the “Second Most Literate City” in the US
• It is “Fourth Most Fittest City” in the Nation
• It ranks Seventh in “Best Quality of Life”
• It is one of “Best Places for Young Adults”
• It is “Second-Most Influential High-Tech Center”
• It has Nation’s “Best Economic Status”

2. The view of Mount Rainer from Puget Sound never gets old!

Puget Sound never gets old - Seattle Yacht Charters DailyThe breathtaking classic view of Seattle's skyline with Mount Rainer as a backdrop from the deck of your luxury boat while cruising the gorgeous Puget Sound – one of the best experiences that never gets old and you could stare in awe non-stop.

3. Seattle's unique architecture is appreciated everywhere

Seattle's unique architecture - Seattle Yacht Charters DailyFrom the iconic Seattle Space Needle, Rem Koolhaas-designed Seattle Central Library to the smashed guitar look of EMP Museum designed by architect Frank O. Gehry, Seattle’s eclectic architecture attracts millions of visitors from all corners of the world.

4. Seattle's boat culture & water sports activities

Seattle's boat culture & water sports activities - Seattle Yacht Charters DailyFrom the Seafair boat festival, the Windermere Cup, to the Lake Union Duck Dodge, there are a number of water sports activities you can do on the water in Seattle which is another reason to love Seattle. Besides that the city is surrounded by amazing water bodies including Puget Sound, Lake Washington, and Lake Union, giving residents and visitors wonderful opportunities to enjoy fishing, swimming, sunset sailing, cruising and more year round.

5. The University of Washington Cherry Blossoms

University of Washington - Seattle Yacht Charters DailyCherry blossoms are a sign of Spring. Flowering cherry and plum trees can be seen everywhere in Seattle, but the premier cherry blossom viewing spot in Seattle is the campus of the University of Washington. The UW campus as a whole is beautiful, but the annual cherry blossoms make it a million times better!

6. Coffee, doughnuts, craft beer, street food and sea food – you call it and Seattle has the best of all:

Coffee, doughnuts, craft beer, street food and sea food - Seattle Yacht Charters DailySeattle's food scene reigns supreme. It is burgeoning and eclectic, and combines the taste of all regions across the world. Seattle's food scene is a perfect blend of cosmopolitan appeal, influences from Asia & Mexico, and the green movement of the west coast.

7. Seattle is a city of festivals

Seattle is a city of festivals - Seattle Yacht Charters Daily

From Bumbershoot music festival to Seafair to the Ballard SeaFood Fest, there's always some sort of festival happening in Seattle. On the weekends, people celebrate the city's heritage while in summer, winter, autumn, and spring, you will find the city celebrating some kind of festival never to be seen anywhere else.

Seattle is a beautifully unique city that will make you fall in love with its neighborhoods and their strong identities, gorgeous waters, the snow-covered mountains that act as backdrop, great food culture, and urban scenery. So, whether you're a first time visitor on your Seattle boat rentals vacation or a regular visitor to the Emerald City, you will love the city's unique characteristics every time you visit this Pacific Northwest jewel.




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