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Cutthroat Lake – Step Down From Boat & Enjoy This Easy and Beautiful Hike

As an adjective, the word cutthroat means fierce and intense. However, the cutthroat lake in the Northern Cascades is named after the colorful trout found in its waters. To get there you don't have to take an excruciating hike and even “fierce and intense” are the last words. The hike to Cutthroat Lake is pretty easy and offers eye captivating vistas to all its hikers.

The cutthroat lake is more of a destination hike than a day hike from Seattle. Hop on your own Seattle boat rental and set sail on the azure blue waters to awaken your lost spirit. Graced with the mild climate, the Cascade mountains and the turquoise blue waters everywhere in the surroundings, your day is all packed with one adventure after another.

Seattle Boat Rentals

Hiking to Cutthroat Lake is not a difficult part of this action-packed trip. There are some ups and downs along the trail, but the journey is relatively easy. Beauty isn’t hard to find, either. From the very first steps you take on the trail, you will be surrounded by stunning mountains in the North Cascades.


  • Check Out Golden Larches – As you take a leisurely walk through the trail, you will find that the passage is all dotted with huckleberries. These huckleberries will add more charm to your hiking trip. Just when you think that it can’t get any better, get ready to take in the clear and eye captivating views of the other side of the valley, where golden larches were interspersed with green pines and firs. These golden larches are what tempts the hikers to a cutthroat lake.

What is a larch? Larches considered to be elegant and unique because they are a deciduous conifer tree. Unlike any other cone-bearing trees, larches lose their needles every fall. It can never be predicted at exactly at what time of year the larches turn golden.

  • Explore The Rich Vegetation – The wide and leveled trail takes you through the open forest. While hiking you are sure to notice the thin grey trunked subalpine firs as they are located on the east of the Cascade crest.  It is a bit drier than the wooded areas to the west.

Do not forget to notice the two species of pines growing here together. One is the western white pine while the other being the whitebark pine. Both have bundles of five needles which make it easier to identify them.

Western White Pine – It has long soft grey-green needles, and is usually found growing more to the west.

Whitebark Pine – It generally grows in dry soil at high elevations and has greener needles that are waxier.

  • Enjoy at the Lakes – The hike to Cutthroat Lake is seasonal. Since the trailhead and the lake are at such a high elevation, you are sure to come across some snow. The surrounding scenery of the lake offers jaw-dropping spectacular vistas to the travellers and locals alike. The water in the lake is so crystal clear that you can even spot some fish.


  • Have Fun at Blue Lake – Every year so many hikers make their way to the hills to admire the spectacular trees. One of the most popular places that locals and tourists like to visit is Blue Lake in the North Cascades. The lake itself is small, but it’s located right at the base of towering peaks. Indeed, the beautiful sight through the mist and fog will leave you awestruck. On a nice summer or early fall day, you can even take a dip in Blue Lake. This is a great spot for a picnic.

Cutthroat Lake along the North Cascades Highway is worth checking out while on a day trip from Seattle. All you have to do is book one of the luxurious Seattle boat rentals for your day trip. Not only you will enjoy your visit to cutthroat lake but also while sailing on the crystal clear waters, you can enjoy spectacular scenery from start to finish. It doesn’t take much effort at all to enjoy it.




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