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Wildlife Encounters in Vancouver, Pacific Northwest in this Fall Season

Pacific Northwest is home to a number of wildlife species, and Vancouver arguably has the most diverse species available for viewing, from green herons and grizzly bears to orcas and trumpeter swans. Fall is a wonderful time to encounter wildlife because it’s not too hot. This is the time when aspens have just started accenting the evergreen forest with the autumn colors of yellow and gold when the air takes on an inviting crispness.

While on a vacation trip to the Emerald city, why not explore the tourist destinations and the activities for which Seattle is popular for and add a few additional surprises to your groups list. In addition to the standard bucket list of ideas, hop on a boat charter in the Pacific Northwest and plan a weekend excursion to Vancouver. If you happen to visit in the fall season, look for these wildlife creatures.

Boat Charter Pacific Northwest

Below are enlisted some of the top spots to see Vancouver's incredible critters.

GRIZZLIES, on the Coast of the Great Bear Rainforest – Autumn is the peak season to spot grizzly on the wild west coast. The Glendale Cove area has one of the largest concentrations of grizzly bears in the province. Here you can check in any of the conservation lodges and view the bears’ in their natural environment. You might see some of the 50 grizzly and black bears feasting on salmon. The properties here have been designed for optimal animal observation. You can also go kayaking along the pristine rainforest coast, take a marine wildlife tour, and whale watch until mid-October. Do not forget to carry cameras to capture the pictures.

SALMON, in the Frazer River, Vancouver – Wild salmon begin their arduous journey from the ocean back to where they were born to spawn at the main stem of the Fraser River each year from late September to early November. It is considered as one of the planet’s largest salmon runs. You can look for all five Pacific salmon species – steelhead, coho, pink, chinook, and sockeye. If you’ve never seen the battered, crimson-hued fish fighting their way upstream, especially when they get to the shallow northern streams at the end, it is a sight to behold while here. If you want to learn more, visit one of the hatcheries near Vancouver where you can combine your visit with picnic and hike.

BIG HORN SHEEP, in the Kootenay National Park – You can look for bighorn sheep during the spring and summer while in the Rockies located in the Radium Hot Springs, but in the fall season that runs from October into November.  The views are jaw-dropping. This is the specific time when the rams of the 140-strong herd convene in town and start clashing with each other, for hours at a time in competition to win female attention. The bachelors taunt, kick, and then charge each other thereafter rising up on their hind legs to bash each other’s horns with incredible force. The sound thus produced is so loud you can hear the crack a mile away.

BIRDS IN VICTORIA, on the Vancouver Island – Vancouver in the Pacific Northwest is every birdwatcher's dream destination because millions of feathered creatures make their way annually through the Pacific Flyway. Birders and biologists pinpoint Vancouver Island’s south coast as the hot spot. The mild winters make the tree-lined shore especially inviting to all kinds including skylarks and various rare species such as tufted puffins, plus tiny hummingbirds, marbled murrelets, warblers, and red-breasted sapsuckers. Autumn season witnesses the migration of 14 species of raptors, in particular, Turkey Vultures which fly in huge packs of 200 up to as many as 1,000.

Whatever your choice may be while on vacation, the wildlife spotting in Vancouver will surely be an amazing experience. It will be an action-packed day, full of awesome food, views and wonderful surprises. One of the things you will like the most from your trip is how friendly and professional the crew members are. Plan your visit with friends and family to Vancouver in the Pacific Northwest while you are in Seattle. Book your boat charter in Pacific Northwest well in advance to have the experience to cherish for a lifetime.




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