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Top Places Around Northwest To Spot Whales On board Your Yacht Charter

There is something really majestic about a whale moving beneath the surface of the water – particularly in the Pacific Northwest. The Pacific Northwest region is considered to be the best whale watching destination. A yacht charter in the Pacific Northwest is a great way to spot these magnificent animals.

In the Puget sound area surrounding Seattle, you can spot the mottled gray whales. You can also look for humpbacks, minkes and massive finbacks among an array of porpoises, dolphins, seals, sea lions, otters, and shorebirds. And, one species of whale that call Pacific Northwest home all throughout the year is the magnificent orca or killer whales.

Yacht Charter Pacific Northwest

Orcas are a protected species, boats cannot approach within 200 yards. Above all, the naturalists focus on the safety of the orcas and other marine animals. In addition to spotting the whales, you can listen to the whales' calls which travels up to 10 miles. Below are enlisted the places in and around the Pacific Northwest where you can spot whales:

LIME KILN POINT – Lime Kiln Point State Park, also known as whale watch park, is considered as one of the best places in the world to view whales from the land. Minke whales, porpoises, seals, sea lions, otters and bald eagles also cruise the shoreline. Other species you can spot are spouting orcas, fin-slapping gray whales, barking sea lions and splashing porpoises. The park also features a richly diverse environment which includes the remnants and landscapes of a history filled with change, along with the rocky shoreline, and through the wooded uplands. Do not miss the opportunity to spot all sorts of whales.

POINT DEFIANCE PARK – When it comes to seeing whales, locals and travelers alike think of Tacoma and the viewpoints around Point Defiance Park. From a couple of locations in Point Defiance, you can spot a few humpback whales or a pod of Orcas. Humpback whales have been showing up in recent years in higher numbers and seem to enjoy hanging out right off of Point Defiance throughout the year. Humpback whales are frequently spotted in this region of Northwest. There are a number of viewpoints along Five Mile Drive in Point Defiance Park where orca whales can often be seen circumnavigating when they travel down through the Sound.

LANGLEY, WHIDBEY ISLAND – The gray whale's migration commences each spring during which they travel over 10,000 miles from the Baja Peninsula to the Bering Sea. March and April are the best months to spot whales from Langley in Whidbey Island. You can spot all three of the pods off Whidbey Island and in lower Puget Sound. Each yacht charter in the Pacific Northwest has professional crew members that are experts in their field. Orcas, Grey Whales, Minke Whales, Porpoises, and other species can all be viewed while you sail on the crystal clear waters. You can also look for a spectacular array of other wildlife that migrates into these calm waters.

OREGON – Whale watching is a year-round activity on the Oregon Coast with gray whales by far the most commonly seen. You can first locate whale spouts with your naked eye; then focus more closely with binoculars. For an even closer view, try whale watching from a yacht charter. If you're lucky enough, you can spot a breach or a fluke. Watching whales can be like watching shooting stars – the harder you look in one place, the easier they are to miss. Once you spot a whale you can keep tabs on it for several miles as it swims.

The Pacific Northwest and the nearby regions provide one of the best whale watching experiences across the world. The calm water and a huge variety of marine species which include three pods of resident Orca whales can be best spotted from your yacht charter in the Pacific Northwest. There are also humpback, minke, and grey whales that frequent the waters surrounding the above-mentioned locations. If you are visiting Seattle or any other destination in the Pacific Northwest in the not too distant future, then don't let this opportunity pass you by!




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